Movies by Ben F. Wilson

The Voice from the Sky
A crazed scientist calling himself The Voice from the Sky broadcasts his voice all across the globe, and threatens to suspend all energy in the earth's atmosphere and turn day into night unless the world immediately destroys all arms and vehicles of warfare. U. S. Secret Service agent Jack Deering is sent to Arizona to investigate

Brilliantine the Bull Fighter
Brilliantino the Bullfighter (originally titled Flood and Sand) is one of the first spoofs of Blood and Sand, Paramount’s smoldering matador melodrama that set box offices ablaze. Like Mud and Sand, starring Stan Laurel, the Banks parody was rushed into theaters in November 1922, while memory of the Valentino vehicle was fresh. The concept of Monty Banks impersonating the passionate matador must have been innately hilarious to audiences who had seen the original picture.

The Screaming Shadow
Directed by Ben F. Wilson and Duke Worne.

Wild Horse Canyon
The foreman of a ranch owned by a pretty young girl captures a herd of wild horses, but the herd's lead horse manages to break them free. The foreman blames a drifting cowboy, Yak, for the break-out. Yak, however, seems intent on provoking a confrontation with the foreman at every opportunity--and, as it turns out, for good reason.

The Brass Bullet
Rosalind Joy is a constantly imperiled heiress to a fortune in gold. An 18 part adventure serial

White Thunder
The son of a sheriff is caught in the eternal battle between sheepmen and cattle ranchers.

Hills of Hate
Nate “Hate” Hammond is in business with his father and much sought after by mothers in the city who have marriageable daughters. Their quest is fruitless though since “Hate” has already made his choice secretly. His father is duped into participating in a financial scandal by clever crooks, and the one girl “Hate” believed would understand refuses to see him. Heading West, he eventually finds both gold and the girl, who now knowing the truth is extremely glad to be reunited with a rugged, brave lover.