Movies by Richard C. Kahn



Diagnosis of gonorrhea should be done by clinical and laboratory investigation. The physician and patients are shown in the physician's office and examining room. The patients remove their clothing, and the physician takes samples from the end of the penis and makes thin smear slides from them. The techniques for stripping gonococci from male and female patients with chronic gonorrhea are shown in drawings and live footage. The physician is shown getting and preparing a urine sample for laboratory testing for the presence of gonococci, inclu...

The Secret Menace

The Secret Menace

An old prospector discovers a bonanza mine of gold on the Diamond Dude Ranch. He tells two men about it and they kill him, and then make plans to acquire the ranch. They run into trouble when the owners put up a fight.

The Marshall of Trail City

The Marshall of Trail City

A peaceable man becomes marshal of his town at the end of a cattle trail and faces the problems of law enforcement with trail drovers and gunhands.