Movies by Stéphane Horel

La Grande Invasion
Our most mundane daily lives are full of chemicals. Embedded in plastics, detergents and toasters, nestled in food, cans, toys, shampoos, they are invisible and everywhere at once, including in our bodies. Consumer society and petrochemical magic wander into our little interiors under names that are strictly unknown and perfectly barbaric. Phthalates, brominated flame retardants, parabens, bisphenol-A have the unfortunate disadvantage of burglarizing our hormonal privacy: they are endocrine disruptors. For the renowned scientists who appear ...

Les Alimenteurs
They are everywhere. At home, in the canteen, in restaurants, processed foods fill our plates. Overcome by obesity, diabetes, heart disease, taste dulled by the easy and artificial flavors of gastronomy, the population no longer has a choice. For fifty years, the agri-food industry has been at our table. And she stuffs herself. Indulgence or complacency with regard to this takeover, the authorities only exercise limited and a posteriori control over this mountain of foodstuffs that are too fatty, too sweet, too salty. Unlike the good recipes...