Movies by Georg Koszulinski

4th of July on Quileute Tribal Lands

4th of July on Quileute Tribal Lands

In a strange twist of irony, Americans celebrate their independence on the sovereign lands of the Quileute People. An ambient soundscape coupled with the opening shot of an adjoining RV park work in unison to reveal an alien invasion on the shores of Quileute Tribal Lands.

Immokalee U.S.A.

Immokalee U.S.A.

Every season, tens of thousands of migrant farmworkers converge on small communities like Immokalee, Florida where they plant and harvest the food that Americans consume. A vast majority of these workers are undocumented, leaving them at the mercy of the large agribusinesses who hire them, the crew leaders who contract them and the landlords and businesses that profit from the seasonal arrival of migrant workers. Their "undocumented" legal status allows for a system of exploitation that leaves workers and their families to endure conditions ...

In the Land of the Ancient Light Machines

In the Land of the Ancient Light Machines

"Five hundred years after first European contact, I find myself at the western edge of the continent. It's here, in a secluded part of the coastline that I encounter a series of petroglyphs carved at the water's edge." - Georg Koszulinski

Tree Begins Life, Indians Still Live Here

Tree Begins Life, Indians Still Live Here

A display of a fallen red cedar at Olympic National Park headquarters proclaims in 1349 "Indians live here." TREE BEGINS LIFE INDIANS STILL LIVE HERE produces a meditation on the territories of the First Nations of the Pacific Northwest, and invites an alternative interpretation of U.S. sovereignty over these lands.



Juskatla weaves together perspectives of the people who live on the islands of Haida Gwaii-an archipelago on Canada's Northwest coast, and the ancestral territories of the Haida Nation. From industrial loggers who harvest trees from ancient forests, to Sphenia Jones, a Haida matriarch who bears an intimate knowledge of her People's territories, Juskatla meditates on the divergent ways of being that shape the islands and its people.

White Ravens: A Legacy of Resistance

White Ravens: A Legacy of Resistance

Filmed on the island of Haida Gwaii, this documentary depicts the ongoing resistance and resurgence of the Haida people and their culture against the different manifestations and trauma of colonization.