Movies by Sylvain Bergère

Juppé, le ressuscité
Alain Juppé is known to be a plain, hardworking, cold and brilliant man. In the 90's, all French political men, from François Mitterrand to Jacques Chirac, saw a great futur for him. But judicial cases and a sentence broke this momentum. After a long spell in the wilderness, he came back and is now running for President among his political group, Les Républicains. In this frame, Franz-Olivier Giesbert followed him during several months, trying to understand the personnality of this reborn political leader.

Ils se sont aimés
After "They love each other", Michèle Laroque and Pierre Palmade try to answer the question "Is there a life after divorce?", through the story of Isabelle and Martin, a couple in crisis.

Anne Morgan, une Américaine sur le front
Between 1917 and 1924, 350 Americans landed in France to participate in the immense reconstruction effort. At their head, Anne Morgan, daughter of the famous banker John P. Morgan and founder of the American Committee for Devastated Regions. To encourage donations in the USA, she commissioned numerous films and photos, admirable testimonies of life at that time. Entirely made up of audiovisual and photographic archives, this documentary plunges us into an embodied and living post-war period as we have rarely seen it.