Movies by Robert Allen

Chips Off the Old Block

Chips Off the Old Block

Butch, a beaten up pug of a tomcat, is having a good day, and everything is peaceful. Then the doorbell rings. He finds the unexpected present of four kittens left on his doorstep (and from their coloring, there's little question as to who's the father). Butch spends his time trying to hide the mischievous kittens from his owner.

Little Cesario

Little Cesario

Little Cesario, a clumsy, and not too bright, St. Bernard puppy, is the junior member of a family of decorated life-savers.

Cleaning House

Cleaning House

Mama has everyone working on spring cleaning, or so she thinks; in fact, everyone's slacking off in various ways. The Captain is the only one to get caught and face her wrath, though. To escape, he fakes illness, but the boys catch him at it. Mama calls the doctor; the boys intercept him and impersonate him. They get revealed, but so does the Captain, and Mama puts him to work doing everyone's job.