Movies by Drahoslav Holub

Čtenáři a jejich svět

Čtenáři a jejich svět

Vítězný lid

Vítězný lid

Lenin v Praze

Lenin v Praze

Cirkus Kludský

Cirkus Kludský

Rok stranického učení

Rok stranického učení

Political documentary film about the second year of party training of the Communist Party of the Czech Republic.

Bitva pod zemí

Bitva pod zemí

Aleš I.

Aleš I.

The first part of the documentary about the work of the Czech painter Mikoláš Alš called "The Song of Life", which focuses on the part of his work that draws its themes from life in the village.



Milenec léta

Milenec léta



Aleš II.

Aleš II.

The second part of the documentary about the work of the Czech painter Mikoláš Alš called "Glorious Homeland", which focuses on the part of his work drawing on Czech history.