Movies by John Stoneman
The White Death
"Don't go in the Water." This line bred fear in millions of people around the world. In 1975, Jaws showcased the greatest eating machine, the great white shark, on the big scren and changed the swimming habits of movie-goers everywhere. By far the most feared creature in the sea, this species is responsible for more attacks on human beings that all other sharks combined. Step outside the Hollywood hype and travel to South Australia with an expedition as they attempt to increase understanding and reduce human/shark confrontations. Observ...
Encounters with Sharks
Imagine a beautiful day at sea, the magnificent waters allowing you to feel weightless and serene. And then you see it - the infamous single fin moving slowly in your direction. You panic...why? Man has always lived in fear of the shark because these predators represent for most, the epitome of evil and voraciousness. Ease your fears and join John Stoneman as he sets out to dispel many of the myths that surround the shark. But, don't get to comfortable. As John Stoneman will point out, there are certain species that must be feared.

Two Worlds: Manatee and Lion Fish
This planet of ours is Two Worlds: one of land and one of the ocean. This fascinating program explores a pair of marine animals, the manatee and the lion fish, and documents their interactions with each other, as well as with their habitat. We journey to an alien environment where man goes, at his peril, to meet the creatures which make this planet one. This is a feature length documentary edited together from episodes of the inspiring documentary series for physical release.