Movies by Yoko Ono
A 16 mm film, featuring Yoko Ono's own eye slowly blinking, shot by Peter Moore with a high-speed camera at 2,000 frames per second, which is projected at normal speed, 24 frames per second, thus creating a slow-motion effect.

This short follows Lennon and Ono as they take a hot-air balloon ride over snow-covered countryside.
Collected as part of the Fluxfilm Anthology (a multi-reel compendium of 37 short films assembled by Fluxus founder and central operator George Maciunas), One captures the lifespan of a single match recorded at 2,000 frames per second using a 16mm high-speed camera. The frame rate is then decelerated to the standard 24fps for presentation. The film emphasizes each gesture, sway and flare of flame as the small pinewood carrier ignites across the landscape of the filmstrip and screen, signalling the drama and poetics of this ”minor” event befor...

No. 4
This film consists entirely of close ups of famous persons' bottoms. Ono meant it to encourage a dialogue for world peace.