Movies by Max Skladanowsky

Italienischer Bauerntanz

Italienischer Bauerntanz

Two children, Ploetz and Larella, perform an Italian peasant dance.



Two men in white leotards and tights, and black slips over it, wrestle on a theatre stage.

Der Jongleur

Der Jongleur

A man performs tricks on a theatre stage with a bowler hat and a billiards ball in equilibrium on his arms and body.

Die Serpentintänzerin

Die Serpentintänzerin

A young woman dancer with large, flowing robes, swirls round herself quickly, making her light robe flow around her like a butterfly's wings.



Three dancers do a Russian folkloric step dance, facing the camera, in traditional clothes, fur hats and leather boots.

The Boxing Kangaroo

The Boxing Kangaroo

A man and a kangaroo stand up in front of each other with boxing gloves, and simulate a boxing match on a theatre stage.

Comic Encounter in the Djurgården

Comic Encounter in the Djurgården

This is the first film ever filmed in Stockholm, Sweden. The part of the city featured is Djurgården (Tiergarten in German). It is where the unique outdoor museum Skansen is located.

Komisches Reck

Komisches Reck

Part of the Wintergartenprogramm.