Movies by Dale Fabrigar

Tape 407
Survivors of an airplane crash find themselves within the borders of a government testing area and pursued by predators.

Middleton Christmas
In a small town, high-school dean Alana and her vivacious teenage daughter Samantha plan a holiday concert to save the school with the help of the new maintenance man, Army veteran Johnny, and his quiet son Max. But when a car accident lands Sam in a life-threatening condition, Alana turns to Johnny for support, and Max makes a desperate decision that will forever bond their families together. All four must question their values about sacrifice, family, and love - and what it means to be thankful for another Christmas.

Lonely Boy
While seeking answers to a past he cannot remember, a schizophrenic must find the strength to control his mental illness as he tries to build relationships with those he pushed away. Winner of multiple festival awards.

Passengers on a murder mystery train that crashes into a river must decide whether to risk waiting for help in the wreckage or take their chances in the murky depths below.

A young mother receives a mysterious package in the middle of the night. Her curiosity unleashes a chain of events that threaten her life and her baby forever.

The Christmas Chain
An injured soldier’s journey home for Christmas grows a little brighter when he meets a young, sweet musician who gives him the gift of life.

They Crawl Beneath
After an earthquake leaves Danny trapped and alone, his claustrophobic nightmare only gets worse when something truly horrifying emerges from the fissures in the ground, forcing him to engage in a brutal fight for his life and his sanity.