Movies by Ashley Lazarus

Forever Young, Forever Free

Forever Young, Forever Free

"e’Lollipop" is the extraordinary story of two inseparable South African children, Tsepo and his orphaned friend Jannie. Jannie is sent to a missionary station in Tsepo’s village where they become best friends as Jannie finds his place in his new home. Life is full of childhood fun and antics until tragedy strikes: Jannie, now 10 years old, is seriously injured. In the face of much adversity, Tsepo and his community pull together so that Jannie can get specialised medical treatment. A daunting challenge lies ahead... At what cost will Jann...

Rambam - The Story of Maimonides

Rambam - The Story of Maimonides

Rambam was born in Cordova, Spain in the 12th century. Known as the "Nesher Gadol" the "Great Eagle" - Rambam had the unique ability to see and perceive, with insight and clarity, the "big picture" - and man's relationship to the Divine. He was the first philosopher to unify - and reconcile the rational - with the reality of God. The legacy he left behind is astounding.