Movies by George S. Fleming
The Burlesque Suicide, No. 2
A dissipated man sits at a table with a decanter of whiskey and a glass beside him. A revolver is on the opposite side of the table. He pours a glass of whiskey and, with a despairing look, starts to drink it. He changes his mind, grabs the revolver, and places it against his temple, but then changes his mind again and lays the revolver carefully on the table. He drinks the whiskey with a contented smile and thumbs his nose at the audience.

Trapeze Disrobing Act
The stage of a vaudeville theatre. A lady in evening costume is performing on a trapeze. Two Rubes are seated in a box. The lady begins to disrobe, and here the fun commences. As she removes her garments one by one and throws them at our rural friends, they begin going through antics, which to say the least, are highly amusing. When the stockings come off, the climax takes place. The Rubes jump from their seats and make things lively for a short time in the theatre.