Movies by Per Carleson
One Night Downtown
On a dark night, four youths loiter behind a makeshift shed. They perk up when a taxi cab arrives near an apartment building. One lad picks up a length of pipe, another opens and locks his switchblade. The four accost a man who's gotten out of the cab.
Latest News
It's evening, and she is standing happily at a work table in her kitchen, perhaps making a cake, while the radio finishes a song for young lovers. Then, the 7 o'clock news begins with a report on an arrest in Israel. As she proceeds through a couple of kitchen accidents - dropping a bowl, pulling a smoking pan from the oven, and waving the smoke out the window of her fourth-floor flat - she realizes that the newscaster is informing listeners of her cooking disasters.
An old woman forgets her car has a hand brake. How will she stop the car driving downhill?

A different family breakfast. He spills milk, she picks it in the air. She catches the roasted bread as it jumps up from the toaster...