Movies by Luis Carlos Hueck

Papita 2da Base
Andrés and Julissa now parents to a seven year old Carlitos struggle to live happily as a family despite being fervent fans of rival teams and of Vicente's (Julissa's father) disapproval.

Sex and the Future
When misfits Barry and Evan design their ideal woman as a robot, they realize a fortune could be made if they had the money to mass produce their prototype. A wealthy prince soon finds out about their invention and the three hatch a plan to rule the world and change sex and the future! If life were that simple…

Papita, maní, tostón
Andres (Jean Pierre Agostini) it's a fan of Los Leones del Caracas one of the principal baseball teams of Venezuela. Julissa (Juliette Pardau) it's a fan of Los Navegantes del Magallanes, the rival team. One day Andres gets tickets to see the game in Magallanes VIP Zone. He meets Julissa and her dad who is not only fan but one of the team's managers. Andres and Julissa will fall in love and will have to pretend to be fan of the other's team. But soon trouble will arise.