Movies by Amit Dutta



Suggestions of ancient and modern myths and folklore coalesce in dreams to bring alive a colourful animated world.

Kshya Tra Ghya

Kshya Tra Ghya

A stream of mysterious rituals and symbols are encountered as a young boy journeys to school in the fantastical world of Kshya Tra Ghya.

Wittgenstein Plays Chess with Marcel Duchamp, or How Not to Do Philosophy

Wittgenstein Plays Chess with Marcel Duchamp, or How Not to Do Philosophy

The project attempts to push the boundaries of cinema by juxtaposing it with ideas from philosophy, visual art, chess, mathematics, geometry, linguistics and psychology

Touch Air

Touch Air

An homage to the influential practice and philosophy of artist Nasreen Mohamedi. The film incorporates Mohamedi’s personal notes and her unique singular vision, drawing upon the aesthetics of the bare line, and its metaphysical journey eliminating physical borders/barriers.

Blueprint of a Pleasure Machine

Blueprint of a Pleasure Machine