Movies by Herk Harvey

Shake Hands with Danger
This short cautionary training film examines dangers associated with earthmoving equipment operation, showing many simulated accidents on construction sites.

Cindy Goes to a Party
Cindy, a 12-year-old tomboy, is devastated when she learns that she hasn't been invited to a neighborhood birthday party. That night in bed, her fairy godmother visits her, tells her enough with this tomboy baloney, gives her a frilly new party dress and some rules on how proper young girls are to behave at parties.

What About Juvenile Delinquency
A teen drops out of a gang when they mug his father for his pencil.

Halloween Safety
This 11-minute, color film is designed to acquaint primary through intermediate students with Halloween safety. The film presents a little girl who has an unsafe costume. In a flashback, the changes that can be made to make her Halloween safer are detailed. These include reflective tape, removing pointed objects, a clearer field of vision, and others. Suggestions also include waiting to sample treats until they have been checked, observing reasonable hours, traveling with groups, observing pedestrian rules, trick-or-treating at familiar home...

Why Study Home Economics?
Two sisters are trying to decide which classes to take next semester. When one wants to take home economics, the other is stunned. Why should anyone need to study home economics?

This public-school educational film warns of the dangers of cheating. John Taylor is struggling with his algebra course, and convinces his friend Mary to show him her answers during the tests. But when he is caught, his reputation among his fellow students, along with his student-council seat, is put in jeopardy.

The Griper
Betty Ann, a perky high school student, is friends with George, a dour sort who is always complaining about life. Betty Ann's friends can't see how she can hang with a "wet blanket" like George, and eventually Betty finds herself more and more taking on George's attitude.
The Sound of a Stone
The dramatized story of a young high school teacher who is falsely accused of communist sympathies is used to demonstrate how baseless accusations can foster the spread of suspicion throughout a community, thus causing insidious and lasting damage.
Why Study Industrial Arts
A high school student really likes his shop class… perhaps a bit too much!

The Snob
Why is a high-school girl such a snob?