Movies by Tzu-Peng Hung



Police detective A-Hao investigates a mysterious stabbing by a teenage girl who appears to be possessed by a malevolent force. Once a passionate detective, A-Hao retreated from the front lines several years ago after mishandling the investigation of a wife killer. By chance, he stumbles onto a mysterious stabbing allegedly committed by a teenage girl, which drags him back into the investigations unit. Initially, A-Hao just wanted to quickly close the case, but his investigation into mysterious suspect Wang Jia-ying gradually ignites his de...

Radio! Ready Oh!

Radio! Ready Oh!

On a serendipitous New Year's Eve, a young interviewee lands a position at a company by mistake and encounters a series of quirky. events. The only person who can save this miserable situation is locked in the storage room. While a radio station is facing bankruptcy, an evil cult is out for revenge, and a gathering of crazy DJs, a new battle is about to begin. It is believed that all problems would be resolved before the clock strikes 12, but with this New Year, here come new problems.