Movies by David Lebrun

Out of the Maya Tombs
Over the past 50 years, thousands of exquisitely painted Maya vases, almost all looted from tombs, have flooded into public and private collections. These amazing works of art, filled with humor and mystery, have opened an extraordinary window on the Maya past. But the race to unearth these treasures has destroyed temples and palaces, culminating in the takeover of entire ancient cities by looter armies. OUT OF THE MAYA TOMBS (formerly titled DANCE OF THE MAIZE GOD) enters the world of the vases to explore the royal life and rich mythology o...

The Hog Farm Movie
A commune of improvisational theatre performers, musicians, light-show artists, film makers, geodesic dome designers and former members of Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters takes shape on a mountaintop in southern California, where they have free rent in return for caring for forty hogs. In the summer of 1968 they take off in a caravan of 40 busses to bring the Yippie party presidential candidate, Pigasus the Pig, to Chicago. Along the way they put on free participatory carnivals for thousands in rodeo grounds, indian reservations, and colleges a...