Movies by Jean-Charles Deniau

The Last Days of the USSR
From 1989 to 1991 a string of unpredictable events happened that brought to light the rivalry between two men: Gorbachev, hindered by the economic results of his perestroika, and Yeltsin, embodying the hopes of the Russian people. Illustrated with interviews of top protagonists such as Mikhail Gobachev himself, the documentary recounts the critical last two years of the former USSR.

Il était une fois dans l'Ouest: le roman, noir, des Hauts-de-Seine

Le Diable de la République : 40 ans de Front national

La guillotine, une invention bien française
Forty years after the abolition of the death penalty in France, voted on September 18, 1981, the guillotine remains in the collective imagination as the instrument of the death sentence. This machine, developed during the Revolution to render justice more equal, was presented as progress. Over time, opinion has been divided on the subject of the death penalty, the guillotine becoming the object of man's cruelty, a remnant of an archaic way of dispensing justice and fuelling the many debates around the death penalty and its abolition.

Les derniers compagnons de la libération

Nucléaire, la grande explication

Balladur-Chirac, mensonges et trahisons