Movies by Vincenzo Nappi



Fun with filters results in more than just a good time.

Travelling Hearts

Travelling Hearts

A clown, and a lion tamer, escape from the travelling circus to live a free life in the forest.

Little Fish

Little Fish

Alice tries to find a way to help her sick fish, while simultaneously finding herself." Little Fish is a film about letting go of childhood when you feel that you should, rather than when other people want you to.

First Bite

First Bite

Alex is struggling in a venue bathroom as she finds herself ill at a metal concert.

Is Your Daughter Home?

Is Your Daughter Home?

Mark Reiter stands in front of his love's house as he practices what he will say to her mother.

Oh... Canada

Oh... Canada

Oh, Canada. Such a wonderful place to live - WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. A musical look into the artifice surrounding the Canadian identity.