Movies by Pascal Cuissot

Eiffel Tower: Building the Impossible
In 1889, Gustave Eiffel decides to attempt the impossible for the Universal Exhibition in Paris: to build the tallest tower in the world. Before this project, this pioneer and visionary had created more than 300 metal structures around the world.

Le Mystère des rivières volantes d'Amazonie
Discovered about twenty years ago, the immense masses of water vapor that fly over the Amazon, called "flying rivers", fascinate researchers. Their future could be intimately linked to climate change.

Thorin, le dernier Néandertalien

Building the Eiffel Tower
Explore the revolutionary engineering behind Paris’s iconic landmark. Completed in just over two years for the 1889 World’s Fair, the iron tower smashed the record for the tallest structure on Earth, ushering in a new age of global construction that reached for the skies. How did the engineers do it? Follow the innovations, successes, and failures that made one of the most famous buildings on the planet possible.

L'autre monde des dinosaures

Time of the Giants

The Secrets of the Colosseum
Sea battles in the morning and gladiator fights in the afternoon with wild beasts magically appearing in the arena? A subterranean archaeologist investigates tunnels to see how the Colosseum could be flooded; and architects, engineers, and builders construct a lift and trap door system to attempt the release of a wolf into the most famous amphitheater in the world for the first time in 1500 years.

In France, King Louis XIV, better known as the Sun King (le Roi-Soleil), made of his kingdom the leading European power during the 17th century. An original portrait of Louis XIV's engineer, Vauban, a man who after serving his sovereign zealously, questions the idea of absolutism and the economic misery of the kingdom.

Meeting Neanderthal
Long before the arrival of Homo Sapiens, the Neanderthals wandered the vast European plains, and regularly drowned into the Ice Ages. Several discoveries, in France and England, and especially on the island of Jersey, now allow archaeologists to understand the lifestyle of those first great nomads of Europe, that lasted 300.000 years.