Movies by Walter Hart

Easy Life
In this entry in the MGM "Crime Does Not Pay" series young Frank Davis, dropping out of school and joining a small-time hoodlum gang, finds out that leading a life of crime is not all he thought it would be.

The Last Installment
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a criminal idolizes the life of a famous gangster - unaware that his hero met a tragic end.
Grandpa Called It Art
This MGM Passing Parade series short takes a look at changing definitions of art in the United States.
Shoe Shine Boy
A teenaged shoeshine boy urgently tries to raise the remaining amount of money he needs to purchase a secondhand bugle before 6p.m.
Lum and Abner
Chester Lauck and Norris Goff tried to bring their highly successful radio show to TV but it didn’t happen. In this failed pilot Abner is on the phone with Mose and says he’ll meet him and Opie Cates to go fishing. Lum comes into the store with a letter from the IRS. He goes to burn it in the stove and sees Abner’s fishing tackle.