Movies by Sylvaine Dampierre

The Country Upside Down

The Country Upside Down

Returning to the island that her father left 50 years earlier, the filmmaker goes back in time to retrace the history of her name.

An Enclosure

An Enclosure

We discover a modest, almost derisory garden, located in the heart of the women's prison in Rennes, Brittany, France.

Green Guérilla

Green Guérilla

In the community gardens of New York

Can We Live Here?

Can We Live Here?

Olmany, Terebejov, Gorodnaïa: Three villages in the Stolyn district, Belarus, 200 kilometers from Chernobyl. In this area, the radiation rate was considered too low to justify the systematic evacuation of the population. Sixteen years after the disaster, life continues in a seemingly unchanged landscape. These farming communities face an invisible threat on a daily basis.