Movies by Christine Hartmann

Elly Beinhorn: Solo Flight
The story of Elly Beinhorn, the first German aviator ever to fly around the world which made her a national hero in the 1930s.

Die Eltern der Braut
As a rule, the right son-in-law still has to be baked - especially if he takes half of the family business with the marriage. This is exactly the last will of Charlotte Hansen's just deceased uncle, owner of a thriving Hanseatic tea account. Unfortunately, the heir, Charlotte's daughter Sandra, often makes a bad choice in terms of relationships, according to her mother. So also fits the current friend of her daughter, a windy nightclub owner, so not in Charlotte's scheme.

Das dunkle Nest

Mein Kind
A couple, wants to realize their dream of having a child with a Ukrainian surrogate mother - and then the war comes.

Wie buchstabiert man Liebe?
Anna is illiterate. Her patronizing husband Rolf has always taken advantage of this to patronize his wife. But that is over now. Anna took the difficult step and moved into her own apartment with the children. Fortunately, her best friend Maria lives next door to help Anna read important forms. Anna also found a job through Maria's mediation. Anna waits in a bistro in which the eccentric best-selling author Tom Dellwig is one of the regulars. The vain writer always expects everyone to dance to his tune.

Davon stirbt man nicht