Movies by James D. Davis

Danger Ahead

Danger Ahead

Tom Covington, a freight train conductor, who tries to get his rival Ralph Lasher into trouble by putting oil on the tracks.

Shine 'Em Up

Shine 'Em Up

Paul's career as a shoeshine man is interrupted when he is mistaken for an escaped convict, but after the Station Master gives him a job at the train station he proves his worth.

Her Circus Man

Her Circus Man

A lost silent short comedy.



Slapstick comedians doing what they can with various uniforms on.

Bone Dry

Bone Dry

Paul plays at being a detective until dad, who is a revenue officer, sends him out to prove his worth by rounding up some desperate moonshiners.

Hoot Toot

Hoot Toot

Magnolia Milkshake, having a husband who is exempted because of possessing a disease which might be called "too much fat" is desirous of helping the boys across the ferry mop up Bill Hohenzollern's place, tries very hard to join the Red Cross. After various tests she is finally rejected. Since this plan didn't work out she decides to join the kaiser-killers herself and so enters the recruiting station right next door. Here she is again rejected because of a flat head. Having failed twice she goes home feeling that she needs a little training...