Movies by Fiona Cumming

Doctor Who: Planet of Fire

Doctor Who: Planet of Fire

A strange signal from Earth draws the TARDIS to the island of Lanzarote, where Turlough rescues a young American girl, Peri, from drowning. Among her possessions is an artefact bearing an alien symbol - the same triangular mark that Turlough has branded into his arm. The mystery deepens when Kamelion falls under the control of a powerful mind, and the TARDIS travels to the volcanic world of Sarn. As Turlough is forced to face his past, the Fifth Doctor must stop his oldest enemy from harnessing the revitalising powers of Numismaton gas...

A Sci Fi Audience with Tom Baker

A Sci Fi Audience with Tom Baker

Tom Baker in conversation with a fascinated audience — humour, drama, passion, and honesty on a range of topics from K9 to death, and from leaving Doctor Who after his mammoth seven-year reign to his love of cats.

Doctor Who: Enlightenment

Doctor Who: Enlightenment

An Edwardian yacht in deep space races around the planets. There is a double agent in the TARDIS crew. The White Guardian warns the Fifth Doctor of great danger. Turlough must finally choose sides and at the end of the race lies the prize of Enlightenment.

Doctor Who: Snakedance

Doctor Who: Snakedance

Tegan falls once more under the influence of the Mara and directs the TARDIS to the planet Manussa. There, the Federator's son Lon and his mother Tanha are preparing for a ceremony to celebrate the banishment of the Mara five hundred years earlier. The Mara takes control of Lon and uses him and Tegan to obtain from Ambril, the Director of Historical Research, the 'Great Crystal' - the large blue stone that originally brought it into being by focusing energy from the minds of the planet's one-time inhabitants. The Mara now plans to use the c...

Doctor Who: Castrovalva

Doctor Who: Castrovalva

The Doctor needs somewhere peaceful to recover from his traumatic regeneration. But the sanctuary of Castrovalva is not all it seems, as the Master will stop at nothing to gain his revenge over the Doctor...