Movies by Edgar Pêra

És a Nossa Fé
Short documentary about football (soccer) supporters in Portugal

Arquivos Kino-Pop
Cine-diaries about rock bands and personalities from the eighties from the archives of Edgar Pêra.

Manual of Evasion LX94
“Manual of Evasion LX94” is a thought-provoking Dadaist film about time by the Portuguese director Edgar Pêra. It was shot in Lisbon in 1994 and stars Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Rudy Rucker. Time is explored from many unusual angles, while Pêra fills the screen with a wide variety of bizarre and mind-warping imagery.

Heavy Architecture
Documentary about 4 large architectural landmarks that projected Portugal abroad.

A portrayal of Futurist artist José de Almada Negreiros, who said: "I wanted others to say of me: 'Look, a man!' The same way they say: 'Look, a dog!' when a dog passes by; or how you say: 'Look, a tree!', when there is a tree. Which means as an entity, without the use of adjectives, only as one whole: A man!"

The City of Cassiano
A short documentary about the works of Cassiano Branco, a modernist architect from Portugal

The Nothingness Club
Pessoa famously published under many heteronyms: around 75 different names, each with fully fleshed-out backgrounds, styles, appearances and philosophies. Taking this a step further, Não Sou Nada gives flesh to these characters, all working together under Pessoa, enacted by Miguel Borges, at the publishing house The Nothingness Club.

A Caverna
A bunch of spectators trapped in a cinema theatre.

Impending Doom
Death is the great equalizer, if only due to the rites celebrated by the living. And thus, after their earthly existences ended, Ioannes Paulus PP. II. and Communist revolutionary-turned-politician Álvaro Barreirinhas Cunhal suddenly had a lot in common. Two funerals, one soundtrack. Lots of questions.

Portuguese Sea
"Oh salty sea, how much of your salt / Are tears of Portugal! / To get across you, how many mothers cried, / How many sons prayed in vain! // How many brides were never to marry / In order to make you ours, oh sea! / Was it worth it? Everything is worthy / If the soul is not small." (Fernando Pessoa)