Movies by Ingo Rasper

Ich will (k)ein Kind von Dir
Philipp and Anna live in the Berlin Babyboom-Kiez Kreuzberg. They also like to go to the playground, but with their little niece Nele. Anna does not want to know anything about Philipp's sudden desire to have a baby. She is on the verge of a professorship and insists on the old agreement: kK - no children! The more intently he makes his baby application to his wife, the more obvious is her rebuff.

Hilfe, wir sind offline!
A Berlin family is totally hooked on new technologies. Nina, the mother, decides one day to requisition all mobile phones for a month and adhere to a digital diet.

Vatertage - Opa über Nacht
The 37-year-old Munich survivor and rickshaw driver Basti struck by lightning than one day unexpectedly the 17-year-old Dina from Bitterfeld turns up on his doorstep and quite credible claims to be his daughter. Moreover, they presented him her baby Paul and asks Basti, fearing further turmoil, not only attention, but also money.

Lehrer kann jeder!
Richard lives apart from his wife. He is unemployed. His life is really not running smoothly right now. Rather by chance, he gets into conversation with the director of his daughter's school, who is desperately looking for teachers - which gives Richard an idea. He is a mathematician. And after all, everyone can become a teacher!

Gloria, die schönste Kuh meiner Schwester