Movies by Natalia Marchenkova

Love and Death of the Ordinary Potato
The life story of a potato, which was born in one of the fields and then was taken to the city along with her other counterparts. Once in the apartment, she oversees the life and atmosphere of the new place. The potatoes meets a knife and falls in love with him at first sight...

We Are Men!
The collection of miniatures. The first is called "Glasses" and it deals with how a man with poor eyesight once ordered the glasses at his wife’s insistance. His sight came back to him, and with it the ability to see what dowdy and ugly his wife is and how uncomfortable their house is. In such a situation, he chose not to wear glasses. Thumbnails "Othello" and "Big and small" are also about the relationship between men and women.

Yulia's Birthday
A modern fairy tale about a girl who is looking for her lost soul. First love, jealousy, death – everything can be found in this fantastic animation movie. Julia's fiance died tragically. Having grieved a little, Julia decided to get married again. But the dead bridegroom returned for Julia's soul. In order to save her soul, the girl had to go to the other world.

The War of Apples and Caterpillars
Hordes of green caterpillars dream of delicious and sweet apples. They have already prepared their teeth to hunt for the favorite fruits, as their leader decides to tell necessary instructions and organizes endless columns of his subjects. Will apples endure the war and survive?

Essay on Grandfather
Doing homework, the student writes an essay about the early years of the life of his grandfather, who was accompanied by his faithful friend, the horse Grey. Together they attended courses of cab drivers and being newcomers they got acquainted with the urban way of life. Description of ancient streets, interesting people and unexpected events before the revolution were the focus of the story.

The Little Mitten
Once in winter a gray mouse ran through the forest. She was cold, so she was very glad when someone had dropped a mitten on the ground. Having climbed inside and warmed up, someone suddenly knocked at it. It turned out that many more animals also needing warmth and comfort will visit the mitten.

Charmed Zaporozhets
A Cossack once stood on the shore and looked at the water, trying to catch a mermaid. But she took his reflection and went away with the man’s the soul. The mermaid fell in love with the reflection and did not want to let him go back to the land. What should the Cossack do? And how will mermaid fight the evil and harmful monster that inhabits the sea bottom and tries to lure her?

What Is Going On Here?!!
About a boy and his lyrical perception of reality. At night, he, along with his cat writes poetry and notices unusual things that always happen to those who believe in them and are waiting for the magic to happen. Imagination draws amazing pictures that give the main characters a lot of experience and good mood.

Lip the Airplane
The life and adventures of an airplane Lip, who wanted to travel far beyond the oceans to view the different states and their customs. But he was not trusted to do such important and long voyages, which, of course, made Lip upset. Then one day he had to save passengers having earned universal recognition and respect.

My Family
A student must do his homework, writing a story about his family. As the boy was watching a program about animals, he inadvertently added fantastic facts, such as the number of a million people, and described special feature of relatives using phrases that inform about the different birds and animals. The writing, of course, turned out to be funny and ridiculous.

How the Hedgehog and the Bear-Cub Changed the Sky
Hedgehog and Bear shivered from cold at the leaves strewn yard where shrill and angry wind was blowing. Friends decided to go to an abandoned house, where they found a lot of interesting things. They saw a sheet of paper on which a sunny and hot day was painted. Spreading it, they found summer and after taking the sunbath, Hedgehog and Bear continued their fascinating experiments with the weather.

About A Cat Who Fell From The Sky
One winter day, a cat-mother left her children at home going to find food for them. But somehting unbelievable happened – she got to Egypt after an accident right through the sky, where, as we know, cats have been considered divine creations for many centuries. There our hero will meet its foreign tribeswoman.