Movies by Frank O'Connor

The Block Signal

The Block Signal

Joe Ryan, a veteran train engineer, is demoted to a flagman position after a disastrous crash-- one caused by his cowardly and opportunistic partner. Though Ryan's failing eyesight is named as the cause of the crash, he's undeterred as he designs an automatic braking invention.

The Lawful Cheater

The Lawful Cheater

Disguised as a boy, a young woman gets an inner-city street gang back on the straight and narrow path.

Devil's Island

Devil's Island

A wealthy Parisian surgeon finds himself serving time in a brutal penal colony.

Hearts and Spangles

Hearts and Spangles

Steve Carris, a medical student, is expelled from college, disowned by his father and joins a circus.



At a three-ring circus, 'Spangles' Delancy, a beautiful bareback horse rider, falls in love with a wanted man, Dick Radley, who uses the circus as a hideout. The show's owner Big Bill Bowman also falls in love with Spangles-- But only one man can have her.

Go Straight!

Go Straight!

Gilda is a crook who wants to go straight, but her pals keep holding her back. She moves to Hollywood to begin anew but the old gang follows behind. Can she stop them from ruining her new life?