Movies by Oleksii Shapariev

Kyiv Cake
A girl from a small town comes Kyiv. The capital of Ukraine is a transit point for the young girl on the way to her goal - America, where she obtained a "green card." Only 20 hours of waiting for the plane separate her from her dreams. But at the station she meets two young people that get her in a number of adventurous and romantic adventures ...

The Fight Rules
Film tells an exciting story of a confrontation between talented boxer and criminal patrons of mixed fights MMA.

Winter of The Braves
1918 Ukraine. Patriotic students, protagonists of the film, get ready to defend Kyiv and fight heroically in the Battle of Kruty. On this historical background reveals the story of the Savytskyi family - the general of Ukraine's counterintelligence and his two sons, Andrii and Oleksa.