Movies by Jake Hanrahan

Concrete No Rules
No rules, no rounds, no gloves. Europe is seeing a clandestine emergence of illegal underground "No Rules" fight clubs, all fought on concrete. Young men are risking life and limb at these events, which allow everything from biting and head-butting to eye-gouging and stamping. Away Days got special access into this world, attending hidden brawls all over Europe. It’s only a matter of time before someone dies—that’s why they love it.

Plastic Defence
Plastic Defence is a documentary about illegal 3D printed firearms in Europe and the decentralised network behind them. These guns are robust, they don't blow up in your hands, and they're untraceable. What's more, they're being made in people's bedrooms. At Popular Front, we got access to the network designing and building these downloadable rifles. It goes by the name "Deterrence Dispensed". Its members are determined to give untraceable DIY firearms to the world. We spent time with the founder of the movement—a man known as JStark. He arg...

Favela Government
Brazil's "Red Command" drug cartel is considered a plague by the government. But for the people of the favelas they control, Red Command *is* the government. They’re the de facto leadership of the area. The gang has taken over the role of the authorities in their shanty towns, where the state has long abandoned them. Away Days got special access to the Rio favelas, hanging out out with young foot-soldiers, speaking to commanders, and seeing how civilians live between the gangs and the equally violent police militias.