Movies by Mai Lisi

Genghis Khan
During the 12th Century a boy is born to a tribal chief. He is named Temujin, which means "blacksmith." Nine years later, his father is murdered by the Tartars After a long struggle, just when Temujin reclaims tribal chief status, the Merkit tribe kidnaps his wife. In order to fight against the Merkits, Temujin has to use his mother as a pawn in exchange for troops from ally tribes. Temujin manages to rescue his wife only to realise that she is pregnant with the enemy's child. Enduring tremendous anguish, Temujin throws himself into battle ...

Heroes Returning to the East
In 1771 the oppression of Tsarist administration forced the larger part of Kalmyk's approximately 170,000-200,000 people to migrate to Dzungaria. Ubashi Khan, the great-grandson of Ayuka Khan and the last Kalmyk Khan, decided to return his people to their ancestral homeland Dzungaria, and restore the Dzungaria Khanate and Mongolian independence. Their goal is not an easy one and a lot of fighting and drama unfolds.