Movies by Zdeněk Havlíček
Janek Pecivál
Melodie sněžných hor
Melodie bílého klavíru
Princezna Solimánská
Veselá medvíďata
Láska ke třem pomerančům
Vražda v ulici Morgue
It follows vibrant young Australian woman Laura, who forges a successful banking career in London and seemingly has the perfect marriage. Her world is turned upside down when she is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and her husband starts to show his true colors. When a tragic accident leaves her a widowed mother with three sons, she returns home to Australia, and is reunited with Michael, a high school friend and a divorcee with one daughter, who has loved Laura since they were teenagers.
Podzimní slunce
Nanebevzetí plukovníka Heiliga
Milenci z kiosku
Bratr Žak
Kočka, která znala všechny řeči
Paní Marjánka, matka pluku aneb Ženské srdce
Princezna Majolenka
Kůzlata a vlk
O zlém havranovi
Šmankote, babičko, čaruj!
Ztřeštěné námluvy
Země úsměvů