Movies by Émile Cohl
The Little Soldier Who Became a God
A stop-motion film from Émile Cohl with tin soldiers, children's drawings and cannibals.

Spanish Clair de Lune
Two lovers perform a fandango dance. A jealous quarrel follows and the heart-broken swain decides to end it all. He throws himself from the window of his room, but instead of falling to his death, the anchor of a passing balloon intercepts his flight and he is taken high into the clouds. Laughing at his plight, the moon arouses the anger of the desperate lover and a battle between the two ensues.

The Waiter's Dream
Four customers are having a peaceful game of cards in a quiet café. The atmosphere being heavy, the waiter falls asleep and has an unsettling dream about the ills of alcohol, among other things.
L'hôtel du silence
A haunted-hotel film, reviving a joke from a 1900 comic strip showing a sleeper being ejected from an electric bed.

The Four Little Tailors
The opening scene is in a tailor's shop, showing the four assistants more or less in love with their employer's daughter. After some time, the tailor says he will give his daughter to the one who shows himself to be the cleverest. Some very amusing incidents follow. The various feats accomplished during the contest are clever examples of trick photography. (Moving Picture World)

Petit Faust
The various parts of Faust are played by puppets.

The Twelve Labors of Hercules
A cut-out animation depicting the Twelve Labours of Hercules.

The Happy Microbes
A scientist has acquired a microscope and is showing it off to his friend. He takes various body samples - hair, phlegm, etc. - and puts them under the microscope. The "microbes" coalesce and form different shapes, creating caricatures of various people, such as mothers-in-law and drunks. These animated characters goof around in traditional cartoon fashion.

En route
A lighthearted animated history of transport.
The Boutdebois Brothers
And here is an early success as he puts the viewer in the mood of a little boy, playing with his toys, running them through the paces of his little circus.

The Magic Hoop
Émile Cohl mixes live-action and stop-motion animation in this charming evocation of the power of imagination. A magician shapes his cane into a hoop with strange properties for a young girl. Costume changes and city promenades give way towards greater abstraction as the film becomes absorbed by what goes on inside the ring.

The Master of a Fashionable Game
The film presents a drawing room meeting of enthusiastic puzzle workers. One gentleman has a new way of solving his puzzle. He puts a handkerchief over the game and immediately the picture is made. Under the handkerchief, we see how, piece by piece, it is put into one finished picture. His success makes him an object of envy, however, and the gentleman meets with considerable trouble before the party is over. (Moving Picture World)

The Next Door Neighbors
Two nosy neighbors who drill a hole through their wall to spy on the canoodling couple next door get more than they bargained for when the man discovers their plan and casts a magic spell.
Brains Repaired
Depicts a doctor looking into his patient's brain and seeing a collection of hideous and grotesque figures.

Floral Frameworks
There have been numerous studies of plants and flowers presented to the public, but none which exhibit the perfection of stereoscopic detail. The various plants have been photographed against black backgrounds and are carefully colored. In addition, the various groups were made to revolve during the time of exposure and thus show a succession of lights and shadows which produces the relief which adds so greatly to a picture. (Moving Picture World)

Japanese Fantasy
This subject presents a remarkably clever series of illusions in which a Japanese lantern, several dolls, chickens, mice and grasshoppers play a very prominent part.
Future Revealed by the Lines of the Feet
A female fortuneteller examines the sole of a man's foot to see his future.
Fancy Matches
To the rhythm of a frenzied choreography, acrobatic matches come to life on a black background. Leaving their matchbox, they line the film in circular, concentric movements. In an almost aquatic momentum, the squadron of little bits of wood mould the contours of a character, a run-of-the-mill smoker, before transforming into a funny harness. The film ends when the matches, again transformed, take on the appearance of a distinguished man who, after several attempts, finally finds a way of lighting his cigarette.

The Enchanted Spectacles
A parlor full of bon vivants pass around an enchanted pair of spectacles that “reveal the personality and pleasures of the one who wears them.”

The Persistent Salesman
A salesman pursuing a potential client takes tenacity to new heights, and depths.