Movies by Conor Finnegan

Tiptoe & The Flying Machine
From the master of all things tactile, Director Conor Finnegan’s ‘Tiptoe & The Flying Machine’ tells the tale of a young blue reindeer who is too nervous to fly but ultimately faces up to her fears with help from her fellow puppet pals.

Fear of Flying
A small bird with a fear of flying tries to avoid heading South for the winter.

Be Together. Not the Same
Rock, paper, and scissors. They couldn’t be more different if they tried. But despite their differences, they belong together and have become one of the most iconic, beloved trios the world has seen. Android’s Be together. Not the same. campaign, directed by Conor Finnegan created at Nexus Studios for Droga5, tells the story of how these three unlikely friends came together and used their differences for good. Android - Be Together. Not the Same by Nexus Studios.