Movies by Gary Glassman

The True Story of Troy: Ancient War
The story of the Trojan war is one of history's most enduring legends. A beautiful queen elopes with a foreign prince, which results in a decade-long battle that ends in the complete annihilation of an entire city. However, what grain of truth is there to this mythologicale tale of love and destruction?

Petra, the Capital of the Desert
At the dawn of the Christian era, Petra, capital of the rich kingdom of the Nabataeans, bordering the deserts of Arabia, Syria and the Negev, was absorbed by the Roman Empire and, after being sacked by the Bedouins, disappeared from the memory of mankind; but its secrets are gradually being revealed thanks to an enormous excavation work.

Hagia Sophia
Considered the finest example of Byzantine architecture in the world, Hagia Sophia was constructed on a scale unprecedented in human history. Built in the amazingly short time of five years, it bears witness to an amazing scientific knowledge and a rich cultural heritage from the past.

Rosalind Franklin: DNA's Dark Lady
A documentary about Rosalind Franklin, the scientist who first photographed and discovered the shape of DNA.

Secrets of the Parthenon
For 25 centuries the Parthenon has been shot at, set on fire, rocked by earthquakes, looted for its sculptures, and disfigured by catastrophic renovations. To save it from collapse, the modern restoration team must uncover the secrets of how the ancient Greeks built this icon of western civilization in less than nine years without anything resembling an architectural plan.

Riddles of the Sphinx
For over 4000 years, the Sphinx has puzzled all who have laid eyes on it. What is this crouching lion, human-headed creature? Who built it and why? To unlock its secrets, two teams of scientists and sculptors immerse themselves in the world of ancient Egypt — a land of pharaohs and pyramids, animal gods and mummies, sun worship and human sacrifice.