Movies by Azron Shai

Do you ever get that eerie feeling that someone is standing behind you. They say that if you can feel it, then it is definitely present. The next time you feel the creeps, please do not look back. You might see it.

The following excerpts are actual footages recovered by The California Institute Of Neurological Research. This is the case study of Ally Dixon. A junior in college who was diagnosed with sleep apnea on March 05, 2012. Ally's personal physician recommended using a sound recorder to document the types of noise she creates during her sleep. Ally took a step further and filmed herself while she slept which recorded both sound and visual. What you are about to see are shocking and terrifying motion pictures that were discovered by The California...

On April 29, 2009, Jenny vanished from her apartment in the city of Los Angeles. The only piece of evidence recovered was a digital hard-drive from her mac laptop. On the day she vanished, the webcam was on auto record mode.

The Girl in Yellow
A college student falls in love with an ancient painting at a California antique shop. With each passing night, the lucky finder slowly discovers something unusual about the piece of art she bought. The portrait has a life of its own.