Movies by Rémi St-Michel

The little consciousness that remains to Zoe is desperately trying to cling to happier feelings.

Big Brother
Antoine and his former Big Brother reunite after the latter, now a father, moved to Russia several years previously. They roam the city to make up for lost time but quickly realize that their relationship is no longer the same.

Before We Explode
The Third World War is on the horizon. Despite attempts at nuclear deterrence, the threat of atomic bombings between North Korea and the United States is bringing the world's population back into a Cold War-like climate. In the small town of Baie-St-Paul (Québec, Canada), Pier-Luc is afraid: afraid of dying, of course, but, above all, afraid of dying before he could make love for the first time. With his buddies, Hubert and Samuel, he goes through "the summer of last chances" and takes drastic measures in order to lose his virginity... Befor...