Movies by Josh Oreck

The Matrix Revisited

The Matrix Revisited

The film goes behind the scenes of the 1999 sci-fi movie The Matrix.

John Wick Chapter 2: Wick-vizzed

John Wick Chapter 2: Wick-vizzed

A candid look at rehearsal footage in support of a focus on pre-viz.

The Hard Problem: The Science Behind the Fiction

The Hard Problem: The Science Behind the Fiction

Is the notion of a real Matrix plausible? An investigation of the technologies that inspire the metaphor of the Matrix trilogy.

Mama's Little Devils: Bad Seeds and Evil Children

Mama's Little Devils: Bad Seeds and Evil Children

Featurette on the 2009 horror film Orphan.

Sense8: Creating the World

Sense8: Creating the World

Go behind the scenes and around the world with the "Sense8" cast and crew in this in-depth look at how the hit series is made.

Spider-Man: The Mythology of the 21st Century

Spider-Man: The Mythology of the 21st Century

The mythology behind Spider-Man

The Making of Exit Wounds

The Making of Exit Wounds

Behind the scenes of Andrzej Bartkowiak's 'Exit Wounds'

Don't F*#% With John Wick

Don't F*#% With John Wick

Behind the scenes look at fight choreography and action training.

John Wick: Calling in the Cavalry

John Wick: Calling in the Cavalry

Short documentary that looks at a number of elements like the initial pitch for the project and the 2nd Unit action sequences.

Training 'John Wick'

Training 'John Wick'

A look at the fight choreography being developed for the film.