Movies by Christian Ruvalcaba

The Shape
A harmless night of babysitting on Halloween spirals into terror when an old town legend returns home.

Elf on the Shelf
This mysterious package is just what Charlie needs to get into the Christmas spirit.

Elves on the Shelves
Kurt and Lucas are invited to a special Christmas dinner with their friend Charlie. They soon realize that Charlie might be into the Christmas spirit a bit too much...

Scare Tag
After the passing of a beloved friend, a group of old pals gather to play a game from their childhood. But as the night progresses, they realize their deceased friend might be playing as well.

Pocket Watch
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock - Caleb's attention is drawn to the sound of an antique pocket watch that won't stop ticking.

The Runner
Stressed about his current relationship, Spencer decides to suppress his frustrations with a casual night’s run that turns into a nightmare.