Movies by Omar El Zohairy

The Aftermath of the Inauguration of the Public Toilet at Kilometer 375
The film follows the aftermath of an unfortunate incident at the inauguration of a public toilet located in the middle of the Egyptian desert. Inspired by Anton Chekhov's short story "The Death Of A Government Clerk," director El Zohairy offers us a story about fear in a milieu where uniformity and hierarchy reigns, in which the poses and gestures of the actors express a lot more than their words.

A passive mother who dedicates her life to her husband and children. Stuck in daily, repetitive, mundane chores, she has made herself as little as she possibly could. When a magic trick goes wrong at her 4-year-old son's birthday party, an avalanche of coincidental absurdities befalls the family. The magician turns her husband, the authoritarian father, into a chicken. The mother is now forced to come to the fore and take care of the family while moving heaven and earth to bring her husband back. As she tries to survive, she goes through a r...