Movies by Jiří Vala

Wine Working
It is the summer of 1968 and also in South Moravian Pálavice appear political clashes. The so far peacefully farming Unified farmers' cooperative starts splitting. Some of the farmers have found the cooperative called Vidrupa and want to deal with wine in private trade. Michal Janák, chairman of the farmers' cooperative is a deliberate man and refuses the latent return to the capitalism. As an excellent farmer he continues preparing planting out new vineyards. His adversaries do not agree - the returns will come many years later. Jozka Hrdli...
Opory společnosti
Pohár za první poločas
Mlynářka z Granady

Evil Night
Lieutenant VB, disguised as a laborer, is looking for a young woman killer among the staff of a wheel loader. But which of the possible motives found is the right one?

Sons of the Mountains
Jak se dělá televizní soutěž

Šestapadesát neomluvených hodin

Captain Korda
A story of Pepik, an orphaned boy recently adopted by foster family.

Tenkrát o vánocích
September Nights

Smrt na Cukrovém ostrově
Julie pod balkonem

Tam za lesem
Dlouhé dopoledne
Zákon rovnosti

Policejní hodina
V páse zlomená