Movies by Leone LeDoux

The Practical Pig

The Practical Pig

After his two brothers are captured, the third little pig invents a machine to capture the big bad wolf.

Jerky Turkey

Jerky Turkey

A dopey Pilgrim goes hunting a turkey who speaks in a Jimmy Durante impersonation and runs the local black market. War and rationing gags abound (Pilgrims line up behind a sign reading "Ye Cigarettes Today"), as well as a running gag featuring a bear wearing an "Eat at Joe's" sandwich sign. The turkey harnesses the power of gags to save himself.

Three Little Wolves

Three Little Wolves

Two little pigs cry wolf on their brother and then an actual wolf comes.

Toby Tortoise Returns

Toby Tortoise Returns

Toby Tortoise is back, and this time he and Max Hare box instead of racing.

Balloon Land

Balloon Land

The inhabitants, including the trees and rocks, of Balloon Land are made entirely of balloons. They come under attack from the evil Pincushion Man. With the help of a quickly inflated army, they manage to fend off the attacker.

The Wild and Woozy West

The Wild and Woozy West

Wild and Woozy West is another of the unsung cartoons from the Columbia studio of the '40s. It concerns the capture of the western wolf villain Angel Face, wanted dead or alive (perferrably dead). Among his list of crimes is "using naughty words".