Movies by Dorothy Compton

The Practical Pig

The Practical Pig

After his two brothers are captured, the third little pig invents a machine to capture the big bad wolf.

The Thrifty Pig

The Thrifty Pig

The Three Little Pigs sell Canadian war bonds.

The Untrained Seal

The Untrained Seal

A newborn seal pup has to learn how to fish on his own, without help from any of his family or friends.

The Grasshopper and the Ants

The Grasshopper and the Ants

As in the classic fable, the grasshopper plays his fiddle and lives for the moment, while the industrious ants squirrel away massive amounts of food for the winter. With his song, he's able to convince at least one small ant until the queen arrives and scares him back to work. The queen warns the grasshopper of the trouble he'll be in, come winter. Winter comes, and the grasshopper, near starvation, stumbles across the ants, who are having a full-on feast in their snug little tree. They take him in and warm him up. The queen tells him only t...

Three Little Wolves

Three Little Wolves

Two little pigs cry wolf on their brother and then an actual wolf comes.

Make Believe Revue

Make Believe Revue

Flown away to the land of the story books, Jack and Jill, aided by Mother Goose, watch a fairland revue complete with chorus girls and marching soldiers.