Movies by Neil Shee

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an imaginative, feature-length animated film, faithfully adaptied from the classic book by L. Frank Baum. In this brand new version, the limitations of live action film are transcended by fanciful full animation and whimsical narration. This version of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz contains scenes from the book not included in the MGM movie. The Lightyear Wizard of Oz series was featured exclusively on HBO. Now reacquaint your family with some of the best loved characters ever to dance the yellow brick road and in...

The Mystery of Bay Bulls
A film on the "SAPPHIRE", the oldest identified wreck in Canadian waters. Parks Canada's underwater archaeology team is responsible for the excavation of the three-hundred-year-old frigate.

The Real Story of the Three Little Kittens
Tom, Dick and Harriet, a mischievous trio from Whiskers End, get more than they bargain for the day they skip school to play in the snow. Unfortunately, the kittens lose their way and wander into the Fearful Forest, domain of Freezelda the Ice Queen.

The Real Story of O Christmas Tree
In this children's video a little girl asks a little pine tree to stay green through the winter to remind people of spring. The little tree must disobey King Winter to stay green. He gets thrown into King Winter's dungeon. Anneka sets off to save her friend with Piney, the pinecone gnome, and Little Acorn.

An animated film promoting the value of freedom of expression as stipulated in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.