Movies by Nina Gummich

Walter is a 60-year-old removal man for forced evictions. He recognizes in one of the tenants about to be evicted his estranged son, Jan. In order to help Jan, Walter has to confront not only his crooked boss but also his own past.

Hello Again - A Wedding A Day
Zazie lives with her buddies, womanizer Patrick and sweetheart Anton, in a flat share. All three are completely incapable of being in a relationship. Finding the great love? No need. Zazie is sure of that. When Philipp, Zazie's best friend from childhood, sends an invitation to his wedding, Zazie is shocked to find out that he wants to marry stuck up and vicious Franziska. She is definitely the wrong girl for Philipp! Zazie decides to do everything she can to save him from making the biggest mistake of his life. But will this turn out to be ...

The Forger
Jewish aesthete Cioma, 21, does not let anyone take away his joy of life, especially not the Nazis. In 1942, he has to find new ways to make his living in Berlin and escape deportation. In the process he discovers his talent for forgery: not only with passports, but also his own identity.

Vatertage - Opa über Nacht
The 37-year-old Munich survivor and rickshaw driver Basti struck by lightning than one day unexpectedly the 17-year-old Dina from Bitterfeld turns up on his doorstep and quite credible claims to be his daughter. Moreover, they presented him her baby Paul and asks Basti, fearing further turmoil, not only attention, but also money.

Was im Leben zählt
In Munich's apartment building No. 23, one still shares in the joy and suffering of the neighbors. The single mother Miriam fell in love with the pastor Gregor. But his community is outraged. A pastor who is married to a woman who is still married is out of the question for her. Meanwhile, Miriam's ex-husband tries to regain Miriam. Daughter Jule is in need: she wants her dad back, but she also likes mom's new friend Gregor.
Ein Vater zu Weihnachten
Herbst 1929 - Schatten über Babylon

Matured through two years in prison, Babtou is looking forward to a new beginning with his buddy Dennis. A free man in a free world! But of all things, his welcome party where all the boys from the block are gathered ends in a police operation. Babtou has his hands cuffed again and is confronted with dramatic news. He will soon be deported to his “home country” of Senegal. To prevent a deportation, Babtou and Dennis are willing to do anything, including marriage.