Movies by Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow

Beste Zeit
Kati drives the VW bus of her parents even without a license quite fast. But what else should one do in the Bavarian province? Kati and her best friend Jo keep asking themselves this question when they philosophize about God and the world with the tip in one hand and the beer in the other hand. After all, Kati's swarm Mike has just come back from the Bundeswehr, but while she dreams of the great love, he seems to take the matter far less seriously. And there's only stress with her dad.
Emmilou Run
What happens if the global crisis suddenly becomes personal? After her twin sister has simply run away, Emmi goes on a search for clues. Surrounded by overwhelmed adults and terror news, she tries to sound out her perplexity between loss of control and dreamy longing ...
Die Randgruppe
A group of people meet on the rooftop, ready to jump - then things get a little complicated...

Beste Chance
Since they graduated from school five years ago, the friends Jo and Kati have not seen one another. While one of them travels around the world and has arrived in India in the meantime, the other one is struggling with the final exams of the university. But five years are like blown away when Kati one day listens to a worrying message from her friend on her answering machine. Immediately, she drops everything and drives to her home village in order to gather together the old friends from her school days and to look for Jo in India.

The Best Place to Be
After they have graduated from school, the two best friends Kati and Jo jump into their purple Benz and embark on a journey around the world southwards. Kati, however, struggled with the decision for the journey as the love of her life returned to their hometown Tandern shortly before their departure. The journey leads the two friends over the Brenner pass, where their car suddenly stops working. When Kati then also learns that her grandfather is about to die, she wants to return home – this puts the friendship of the two to an acid test.