Movies by John Boorman

The Return of the Green Man
Since ancient times, the Green Man has been one of the most mysterious and menacing of mythical characters. He also has a familiar face as Robin Hood , Jack in the Green and on numerous pub signs. Across the arts from comic strips to classical opera, the Green Man is now making a comeback. Where is he taking us? Writer Sir Kingsley Amis , film director John Boorman , composer Sir Harrison Birtwistle and other leading artists offer their interpretations of the mystery in this Omnibus documentary film from 16th November, 1990.
The Rock
A promotional two-part short for John Boorman's "Point Blank" shot on and around Alcatraz. Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson and former inmate Joe Giles share their thoughts on the former prison.

Close Encounters with Vilmos Zsigmond
A very special encounter between legendary American cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond and young French director Pierre Filmon. A personal journey with the brightest shadowmaker and his friends.

A Look Through His Lens
Oscar-winning cinematographer Philippe Rousselot offers a master class in image making, with insightful examples from his work on Diva, Hope and Glory, A River Runs Through It, Dangerous Liaisons, Interview with the Vampire and many more in this cineaste's delight.

The Sean Connery Paradox
Having become a world star thanks to James Bond, Sean Connery, who died in 2020, has never stopped trying to shed the image of a sexy and slightly brutal macho that stuck to 007. A look back at an eclectic career, carried out with panache.
A Sense of Carol Reed
The film director, Carol Reed, is the subject of this documentary short. The illegitimate son of the famous stage actor, 'Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree' , Reed was brilliant with actors, especially child actors, making him the perfect person to bring Oliver! to the screen. Reed is best known for three films he made in the late 1940s, and the documentary offers generous clips from Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, and the most famous of all, The Third Man. The film director, John Boorman, the assistant director, Guy Hamilton, the actors, Ron Moody an...

I Dreamt I Woke Up
Film about the influences in director John Boorman's life and work, including family and neighbors and the landscape of the Wicklow mountains surrounding his home in Ireland.